The Village of Pleasantville Service Department is responsible for many maintenance and improvement projects around the village. The service department reports directly to the mayor and has one full time employee and seasonal part time employees as needed. They are responsible for snow removal, patching pot holes, and general repair on public right of ways. The upkeep and mowing of over 10 village properties. Storm sewer repair, maintenance and inspection. The village is equipped with three service trucks, a back hoe and multiple pieces of equipment to do as much as possible in house, instead of having basic services contracted out.
To report any issues, such as a pot hole and storm drain issues.
Call the village office at 740-468-2237 to have a work order created.
To report any issues, such as a pot hole and storm drain issues.
Call the village office at 740-468-2237 to have a work order created.
Service Contact

Anthony Taylor

Casey Ash